Town Newsletter
Newsletters will be available on the Town’s Website, Main Street Marketplace, Town Library, Community Center and T-Bird. You can also receive the newsletter via email. If you would like to receive the quarterly newsletter via email, please submit your email address to The newsletter offers news and information from around town.
The Geoffrey L. Holt Fund
In 2001, Geoffrey L. Holt executed an agreement with the NH charitable foundation to establish a donor-advised fund to be funded through his estate. Since Mr. Holt's passing in June of 2023, the Fund has been opened and partially funded. Mr. Holt identified the Fund's purpose and advisory committee. To suppo1t projects, programs and organizations that provide health, educational, recreational or cultural benefits to the residents of Hinsdale, NH. The advisory committee will accept grant applications from 501 C (3) public charities, schools, municipal and government entities, religious organizations, and private operating foundations. It is estimated that about $115,000 will be available for grantmaking each year. An application can request from $250 to $30,000. Grants are accepting during application periods for one-time projects/needs, operating support, or for matching grants for other grants (e.g., state, federal). For additional information or to discuss program ideas, contact
From the Board of Selectmen
The Select board would like to announce the Hinsdale Police Department's new Acting Chief of Police, Melissa Evans. Acting Chief Evans has been employed with the Hinsdale Police Department just shy of seven years. She will work into her role with the mentorship from Municipal Resources. We thank Acting Chief Evans for her continued dedication to the Town of Hinsdale and look forward to the future.
Hinsdale Library:
The Hinsdale library has a new program called "1000 books before Kindergarten". Its an on-going program for any child that has not yet reached the age of kindergarten. You can sign up during library hours.
The Hinsdale library has started a "Story Time" for children on Wednesdays from 1-2 (but subject to change). They will read a story or two and on some days a fun craft to do!
Did you know the town library orders new books every month? Stop in and see our selection of fiction and nonfiction books! You can also look through our virtual catalog on the town website to see what we have available. Library cards are FREE for all Hinsdale residents. Feel free to reach out to us with questions: 603-336-5713
Tax Collector and Town Clerk Office Hours
- Town Clerk MON and THUR 7:30-6pm, TUE 7:30-2:30pm, WED 7:30-11:30am
- Town Clerk's Office: Ext. 20 or Direct line: 336-5719 Tax Collector: 603-336-5712
- Tax Collector MON 9:30-6PM, TUES: 7:30-1PM , WED CLOSED, THUR 10-4PM
New Truck
Thanks to the voters who attended last year's town meeting, the town of Hinsdale was finally able to acquire its long-awaited highway truck, a 2024 Freightliner 114SD IO-wheeler. This impressive vehicle is equipped with a 10" blade front plow and a 1 0' wing blade, making it capable of handling all of the town's snow removal needs. Furthermore, it has the ability to carry up to 18 yards of debris in its body and includes a 10-yard stainless sander for spreading salt and sand. The truck is currently under lease and will become the property of Hinsdale once the lease period expires.
Town Election Results-305 Votes casted.
Selectboard-Bernie Rideout: 151
School Board: Marc Sprague: 259
School Board: Wayne Digman: 58
Town Clerk: Julie Seymour: 282
Town Treasure: Alan Zavorotny: 281 Clerk of the District: Melissa Lowe 8
Fire Chief: Terry Zavorotny: 283
Town Moderator: Edwin Smith: 279
Supervisor of the Checklist: Karen Johnson: 284 Trustee of the Trnst Funds: Ann Marie Diorio: 259 Library Trnstee: Shirley Wolfe: 242
Budget Committee: Alex Duso: 241
Budget Committee: William Nebelski: 227 Planning Board: James O' Malley: 158
Planning Board: Justin Therieau: 140
Board of Adjustment: Kim Mitchell: 257 Cemetery Trustee 1 year: Phil Ailes 10
Cemetery Trustee 3 year: Jodi Holmquist Article 2: Passes: 180
Article 1: Passes: 140
We would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in the voting process today. The town meeting in Hinsdale takes place annually on the Saturday following the second Tuesday of the month. The meeting commenced a little after 9 o'clock in the morning. During the meeting, employees and committee members were recognized for their years of service to the town. Warrant article #17 was passed over all other warrant articles. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am. After a brief recess, the School District awarded board members and staff retirements. Articles were debated, with Article 3 being passed over and Article 9 being reduced to $1.00. All other articles were passed.
The next Hinsdale Town meeting for voting on necessary town and school offices will be held on March 11, 2025, from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Voting on warrant articles will take place on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 9:00 am at the Hinsdale Middle High School. The School District meeting will commence at 9:00 am, followed by the Town meeting. Please mark your calendars and remember that it is your right to vote, so make sure to exercise it!
Tractor Parade
Saturday May 18th 10:30am to 3pm
(Rain Date May 29th)
Approximate times road travel:
10: 15am Butler Avenue
10:30am Depart Butler Avenue
10:50am High Street and Main Street intersection, enter Main Street
10:55am Off Main Street onto River Road.
11 :20am Enter Rail bed
12 to 1 pm Break at Hinsdale Historical Society
1 pm Enter Brattleboro Road
1:15pm Off Brattleboro Road onto Charles Drive
2pm Monument Road and Plain Road Intersection
2:30pm Return to Butler Avenue