To the inhabitants of Hinsdale, NH qualified to vote upon Town affairs:
You are hereby notified to meet in the Town Hall, 11 Main Street (upstairs auditorium), Hinsdale, New Hampshire on Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 1:30 pm for the Special Town Meeting. For the purpose of hearing an explanation of the Special Meeting Warrant and to carry on any discussion or debate with respect thereto, with said warrant articles open to amendments.
SP Article 1: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $399,000.00 (three hundred ninety-nine thousand dollars) for the purpose of purchasing the property at 59 Plain Road in Hinsdale for the purpose of utilizing this property to construct the Town’s proposed new Fire Department facility, such sum of $230,000 (two hundred thirty thousand dollars) to come from the Fire Station Building Expendable Trust and $169,000 (one hundred sixty-nine dollars)from the Unassigned Fund Balance.
Click here for preliminary construction estimates from the fire department building committee.
Click here for more information on some of the issues the department is facing in its current location.
There was a Motion made to postpone the vote until March 2025, Town Meeting.
100 Yes
161 No
Motion failed
Vote on Article one of the Special Town Meeting. 9/15/2024
155 Yes
78 No
The Article Passed.