
Master Plan Updates

What Is A Master Plan?

The master plan acts as a guide for the future.
It identifies the most appropriate future development of the community and aids the Planning Board in designing ordinances that achieve the Master Plan’s vision and result in smart growth, sound planning and wise resource protection.


It is the duty of every Planning Board in New Hampshire, as established by RSA 673:1, to prepare and amend a master plan to guide the growth and development of the municipality.


On April 18, 2023 a public hearing was held to adopt the revisions to Chapter 4 of the master plan, which addresses economic development.
The update includes goals and identifies timeframes, action items, partners (who will perform the actions), potential funding sources, and outputs (what will come from the action items).




Assess extent and condition of the existing public water and sewer systems.  (A.1-A.3)

  •          Hinsdale’s water Superintendent was able to secure a grant to help assess the town’s water distribution system.  A similar grant is being looked at for the wastewater system.


Exploring feasibility of rehabilitating abandoned RR bridge for bike/ped use.  (A.4)

  •          Our town administrator is pursuing leads on grant funding for this project.


Coordinate with NHDOT and other partners regarding rehabilitation of existing Hinsdale-Brattleboro Bridges on NH 119. (A.5)

  •          In progress.


Assess local broadband connectivity and access.  (A.6)

  •          In progress.


Clarify and formalize the process for capital improvements program (CIP) development.  (B-1)

  •          The town administrator is working department heads on a CIP.


Meet annually with the school board to exchange information about anticipated capital expenditures. (B.2)

  •          Meeting date TBD


Recruit new volunteers to serve on municipal committees. (B.3)

  •          No progress to report


Hold at least one business networking event per year. (C.1 -C.2)

  •          Chief Rataj & Sarah Hudon held an event with local business owners to gauge interest in starting a Hinsdale Chamber of Commerce.


Recruit an intern and/or real estate professional to conduct outreach re: development opportunities along NH 119. (D.1)

  •          Currently being addressed by volunteers of the Hinsdale Economic Development Corporation (HEDC)


Raise the profile of properties eligible for development by connecting owners with prospective buyers and tenants, as well as other resources. (D.2)

  •          Currently being addressed by volunteers of the Hinsdale Economic Development Corporation (HEDC)


Inventory tax-deeded and publicly owned parcels and evaluate economic development potential. (E.1)

  •          Ongoing between the tax collector and board of selectmen


Conduct follow-up environmental assessment work at the McGoldrick Property. (E.2)

  •          The town administrator is working closely with Southwest Regional Planning Commission on this item.  Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessments have been completed.  Contaminants stored inside the building have been removed as part of an EPA training exercise (at no cot to the town).  The town is currently waiting on approval of a demolition grant to remove the structures on the property.  Once the buildings are gone, the town will apply for a separate grant to cap the site.


Resolve outstanding water bill for the McGoldrick Property. (E.3)

  •          No Update


Reform/reconvene TIF advisory board to assess whether the Town’s TIF district should be modified or dissolved. (F.1)

  •          In progress. Inquiries of past members have been made.


Consider adopting the Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive to encourage infill development and improvements in downtown Hinsdale. (F.2)

  •          Not yet addressed.


Conduct a thorough review of residential land use regulations to remove barriers to right-sized housing development. (G.1)

  •          The Planning Board has identified two potential barriers and will be bringing froward to two warrant articles to adjust the zoning regulations in the Commercial Industrial and Rural Agricultural Districts in March 2024.


Develop and promote video series highlighting Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs) in Hinsdale. (H.1)

  •          No progress to report


Support the ELO program by offering ELOs within municipal departments. (H.2)

  •          Happening on a limited basis.


Click here to review Chapter 4 of the Master Plan (Economic Development)

Click here to review the entire Master Plan