
How To Read Your Tax Card




  1. Property Location: This is the physical location/address of the property
  2. Map ID: This is the Map/Block/Lot/Unit assigned to the subject and matches Town Tax Maps
  3.  State Use: This is the land use code of the subject property (ie 1010=single family). Code key for actual use can be found on item# 24).
  4. Vision ID: This is the internal ID number that the computer software system assigns.
  5. Account#: Relationship between the property assessment system and the tax billing system.
  6. Current Owner: This area lists the current owner (s) and the primary contact mailing address.
  7. Tapa/Utilities/Street/Location: Descriptive elements of the subject property as to topography of the land; if the property has public or private water and sewer; if the street is paved or dirt; if the land is located in a rural or suburban area.
  8. Supplemental Data: GIS ID: refers to the Block/Lot of the property and the filing system utilized in the Assessor’s and Planning Dept. office.
  9. Supplemental Date: GIS ID: the relationship link between the property assessment software and GID software to late the property on interactive maps.
  10. Supplemental Data: For Sale: If the property is currently listed for sale.
  11. Supplemental Data: Town/Town Sewer: new feature added to indicate if the subject can be hooked up to the public water and or public sewer systems.
  12. Record of Ownership: The most current owner is listed first. Previous owners listed in historical order below current owner.
  13. Bk-Vol/Page: Book and page as assigned by the Merrimack County Register of Deeds.
  14. Sale Date: Date property sale was recorded at the registry.
  15. O/U: Q indicates Qualified sale by the Assessor and or the Department of Revenue Administration; U indicated Unqualified sale by the Assessor and or the DRA
  16. V/1: Vis for Vacant land sale; I is for Improved (with structure) sale
  17. Sale Price: Actual recorded sales price per the Registry.
  18. V.C. Validly Code: This is the code that the Assessor uses which will explain why the sale is qualified or unqualified. Code key is available upon request as there are over 50 codes used by the Assessor’s Office and the NH DRA.
  19. Exemptions: This is where exemptions and credits the current owner qualifies for is listed. Due to privacy issues, we have this field blank.
  20. Other Assessments: Hinsdale does not have “other assessments” at this time.
  21. Notes: These are the detailed notes made by the data collector, staff appraiser or Assessor related to the property based on inspections or contact with the owner. These notes can include the color of the home; exterior condition; updates made to entire home for sale information; and any other important information that may affect the value of the property or if there are damages present that the next staff member should be aware of such as loose dogs etc.
  22. Building Permit Record: Any building permit applications made on the property are listed by most current first to oldest.
  23. Visit/Change History: This provides a list of each date the property was visited by a staff member for an inspection or if the assessor has made a date change due to an abatement or hearing of an owner. This shows date of visit, person that visited and the result of the visit. Full key codes for visit histories are available upon request.
  24. Land Line Valuation Section: Line #1. This will show the land use code (i.e. single family, condo, commercial, industrial). This first line is the usable first acre.
  25. Land Line Valuation Section: Line#2. This will also show the land use code and this can be different from the first line if there is current use. This is the “back acres” which is valued differently than the first acre.
  26. Land Units: The first line shows up to one acre expressed in square feet (SF). One acre of land is equal to 43,560 square feet.  The second line shows the “back” acres expressed in acres (AC)
  27. Unit Price: As of today 1/11/23, the base unit price
  28. I Factor & SA: Influence Factor and Site Adjustment. The Site Adjustment for residential property is expressed from 3 through 9. 3 is a very poor location/neighborhood while the best adjustment is for panoramic view at a 9. The average in town is expressed as a 5 with no adjustments/influence factor. This is a multiplier to the unit price for each land line.
  29. C. Factor: Condition Factor on land if there are issues of easements/ROWs/Wetland/topography/shape. Condition factors can range from .10 (90% off market value) to .94 (5% off market value) depending on severity of the issue.
  30. Notes: If there is a condition factor listed, it should be explained in this notes section.
  31. Rec Y/N: for current use properties; Recreation discount of 20% applied is shown here using Y (yes) or N (no).
  32. CU Cond: Current Use Condition.
  33. Adj Unit Price: based on a linear equation based on unit price X Influence Factor X Condition Factor= Adjusted Unit Price per SF or Per AC.
  34. Land Value: Shown for each land line
  35. Total Land Value: Total land value for all land lines added together.
  36. Total Card Land Units: Total acreage of the card
  37. Total Parcel Lan Area: Total acreage for all cards (if multiple) for the total of the subject property.



  1. Construction Detail: Style: This lists the style of the home (i.e. Colonial, Cape, Ranch, Condo)
  2. Model: Model will be Residential/Condo/Commercial/Industrial
  3. Grade: Overall desirability of the home based on a number of factors. Range can be from 01 (minimal/very poor) to 12 (excellent). See appraisal manual for descriptions of each grade in Hinsdale.
  4. Stories: Story height of the home (not including below grade levels). Descriptive, no affect to value.
  5. Occupancy: Number of families in the home. In-law or duplex will have occupancy of 2. Commercial office building will list the number of rentable units in the section. Descriptive, no affect to value.
  6. Exterior Wall: Cover of the exterior walls, i.e. vinyl, clapboard, wood shingle
  7. Secondary Interior Wall: Secondary wall cover if applicable, i.e. stone/masonry.
  8. Roof Structure: Describes the pitch of the roof such as gable, flat, shed
  9. Roof Cover: Describes the covering such as asphalt shingle, slate, metal
  10. Interior Wall: Describes interior wall construction such as drywall, plaster, custom wood panel
  11. Secondary Inferior Wall:  Describes the secondary wall if applicable, ie wood panel
  12. Interior Floor 1: Describe the predominant floor covering inside of the home, ie carpet, hardwood, tile
  13. Interior Floor 2: Describes the secondary floor covering inside the home
  14. Heat Fuel: Main method by which the home is heated.
  15. Heat Type: Main method by which the home’s heating fuel is distributed to heat the home i.e. forced hot air, forced hot water, radiant
  16. AC Type: If home has centrally wired air conditioning. (not window units)
  17. Total Bedrooms: Includes all rooms with closets that would be marketed and could be used as a bedroom. A home with a “den” or “office” that has a closet, would be considered a bedroom.
  18. Total Bathrooms: Must have three fixtures to be a full bath. Shower and or Tub/Sink/Toilet
  19. Total Half Baths: Y, bath would be sink and toilet only.
  20. Total Extra Fixtures: number of extra bathroom fixtures such as extra sinks, bidet, shower stalls
  21. Total Rooms: Total number of rooms in the home including dining/living rooms/bedrooms/bonus rooms. Descriptive, no affect to value.
  22. Bath Style: Describes if the bathroom has been updated since the original building of the home. 01 is Old Style (older homes built before 1985 with no updates done); 02 is Average; 03 is Modern.
  23. Kitchen Style: Describes if the kitchen has been updated since the original building of the home. 01 is Old Style (older homes built before 1985 with no updates done); 02 is Average; 03 is Modern.
  24. Outbuildings Items: Such as sheds, detached garages, barns, pools, ect. See appraisal manual for full list of 100+ outbuilding codes. This list the type of outbuilding, the number of units (mostly in square feet); the unit price; the estimated year built; the condition of the outbuilding (% good) and the appraised value. This is a linear equation of Units X Unit Price X Condition; Value
  25. Extra Feature Items: Such as fireplaces, whirlpool tubs, saunas, ect. These are extra features within the home and will depreciate with the overall age and condition of the home regardless of date of installation. See appraisal manual for full list of 75+ extra feature codes. This lists the number of units, the price per unit, the depreciated age and the appraised value, this equation is as follows: Units X Unit Price X Overall Condition of Home (%Good) Value.
  26. Sketch: Each element of the main property is sketched out in this section. Each element will have the dimensions listed in linear fee. Each level is listed as well, example FUS is finished second story. BAS is finished first floor; UBM is unfished basement level. FOP is open framed porch; FGR is framed attached garage. A full list of element types is available in the assessing manual. Each item’s square footage is listed in items 64 through 67.
  27. Building Sub-Area Summary Section: Each element measured for the main dwelling is code described here.
  28. Square Footages: Each element will then have a living area; gross area and effective area.
  29. Unit Cost: Each element has a cost per square foot to replace as new. These unit cost are derived from Marshall & Swift cost estimates for each sub area. Those unit cost are then multiplies by the total gross area to generate item 67.
  30. Undepreciated Value: This shows the undepreciated total cost for each element of the property to have an exact replica built using current construction costs.
  31. Replacement Costs: The total construction costs listed on item 67 is then put in this column.
  32. AYB: Actual Year Built
  33. EYB: Effective Year Built: The age the property “appears” to be based on depreciation which is generated by item 71.
  34. DEP CODE: (Deprecation Code): This is the code the assessor gives the property based on its overall condition and how well maintained the property is. Code E is excellent; G is good; A is average (maintained at an average level for its actual age); F is Fair; P is poor. Each code will generate a deprecation percentage (item 72)
  35. Deprecation %: How much deprecation to the replacement cost the property is given. The overall % deducted based on how well the property has been maintained/updated over the years.
  36. Overall % Good: The overall multiplier given to the replacement cost.
  37. Appraised Value: The overall appraised value of the dwelling. This is calculated by multiplying item 68 x item 73.
  38. Appraised Bldg. Value: This is the total depreciated building cost from item 74
  39. Appraised XF (extra features): Total value of all extra features (see item 62)
  40. Appraised OB (outbuildings): Total valuation of items 75 through 79 added here.
  41. Appraised Land Value: Total land value as listed on item 35
  42. Special Land Value: If the property has current use, the total current use value will be listed here. See item 24-35 for descriptions.
  43. Total Appraised Parcel Value: The total valuation of items 75 through 79 added here.
  44. Net Total Appraised Parcel Value: The total valuation of items 75 through 79 is listed here.

82-84. Previous Assessments (History): The previous three years of assessments on the property

85. Current Appraised: Total Building, Total Land and total outbuildings are shown here in a summary format for the full market value of the property (no current use).

86. Current Assessed: Total Building, total land and total outbuildings are shown here in a summary format for the value that the tax bill will be based on (includes current use valuation)