Purchase blue trash bags for curbside pickup

  • Blue trash bags are available to purchase at the Transfer Station, Town Hall, Main Street  Marketplace, Rt. 63 Country Store, Runnings, and Sunoco.

 Register my vehicle

  • Vehicle registrations must be done at the Town Clerk’s Office.  If renewing your registration, please bring your current vehicle registration

 File an Intent to Cut Timber

  • The form can be downloaded at the NH Department of Revenue’s website Intent to cut timber form.  After filling out the form, bring it to the Board of Selectmen’s Office.

 Register my dog

  • Dogs are registered at the Town Clerk’s Office.  Dogs need to be registered by April 30 every year

 Get a landfill permit

  • Landfill permits are available to residents of the Town of Hinsdale.  The cost is $5 and can be purchased from the Transfer Station or Town Hall.