Town Clerk
Contact Information:
Town Clerk
Hinsdale Town Hall
11 Main Street
PO Box 31
Hinsdale, NH 03451
Julie Seymour, Town Clerk
(Term Expires 2027)
Kim Mitchell, Deputy Town Clerk
Donna Sabin, Office Assistant
Telephone: (603) 336-5719Fax: (603) 336-5711
Email: hinsdaleclerk@hinsdalenh.org
Monday 7:30 am– 6:00 pm, Tuesday 7:30 am – 2:30 pm, Wednesday 7:30 am – 11:30 am, Thursday 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Come into the office during working hours or call the office at 336-5719. If you get the voicemail system, leave a message with your name and date of birth along with the vehicles you need registration cost(s) for. We will call you back with the amount. You’ll make a check payable to the Town of Hinsdale - TC, in the memo line, put the plate number for each vehicle you’re registering. Place the check and self-addressed stamped envelope in the drop box or mail (PO Box 31) we will process and mail to you.
Or they may be done on line, please see the link provided.
New Vehicle, transferring plates (title application done by dealership)– If you are transferring plates, we can do this through the drop box. (put the paperwork from the dealership to go to the Town Clerk and the ORIGINAL registration you are transferring in the drop box) add a note giving me your phone number to call with questions or to give you the cost. Once you’ve been given the cost. Make one check payable to the Town of Hinsdale - TC. Put a note explaining the check is for your transfer information I already have along with a self-addressed stamped envelope. I’ll process and mail the new registration to you. Please remember the cost you receive is for that month only.
New Vehicle with title, you need plates or transferring – This transaction needs to be done at the Town Clerks office because signatures are required. If you need 20-day temporary plates. (Contact the Keene DMV at 603-271-4800 for their process)
Application for Duplicate Certificate of Title
DOG LICENSING – Encouraged to use mail or lockbox please add a self-=addressed stamped envelope. - if you look at the current license the expiration date for the dog’s rabies is what we have on file. As long as rabies shots are up to date (don’t expire the month you are renewing) you can send in payment to license. If in June add $1.00 late fee, In July add $2.00 late fee (Around June 21st, the civil forfeitures will be assessed and these are $25.00 per dog not licensed.) – Make check payable to the town of Hinsdale – TC in the memo line add the dogs’ names. (phone number on your check)
- Spayed/Neutered dogs $7.50
- Intact dogs $10.00
- Puppies 4 months or older $7.50
- For residents 65 years old and older can have one dog for $2.00
Cemetery checks can be put in the lock box with the plot information from Sexton.
(there are two separate checks required for purchase of cemetery plots)
Vital Records can be done in person or on line, please see link provided.
MARRIAGE LICENSE – By appointment only (both parties must be here)